Stephen Jay Gould- Post 1


by DeQuoya McFadden


“Stephen Jay Gould Reproduced by permission of Corbis corporation.”

A Paleontologist, science writer and evolutionary biologist, Stephen Jay Gould was known for his theory about the punctuated equilibrium, over-lapping, Magisterium, Spandrel and Exaptation.
Leonard and Eleanor Gould (Rosenburg was her last name before marriage), welcomed a son to the world on September 10th ,1941 in New York city, and named him Stephen Jay Gould. Leonard Gould took Stephen to the museum to the way the world used to be. Just from that trip to the museum, he decided to go to school to study geologic periods. On October 3rd, 1965, Gould married his then wife, Deborah Lee, she was an artist and they met at Antioch college. They had two boys by the names of Jesse and Ethan. Sadly, the couple got a divorce after 30 years in 1995 and sometime during that year, Gould got married again to a sculptor, by the name of Rhonda Roland Shearer. Shearer had two children from a previous relationship, so Gould have 4 children, His own two children and his stepchildren. For a hobby, he would like to read and write books, which is also why he’s an author. Gould has thirty-eight books all about everything he loves and has a deep compassion about.
Mr. Gould went to Antioch college, a private arts school which is in Yellow Springs, Ohio. He graduated in 1963 and then pursued to get a Ph.D. in paleontology, at Columbia university in 1967. Soon after he received his Ph.D. from Columbia university, he became a teacher at Harvard university in 1973.In 1972, Gould and Niles Eldredge, came up with a theory for punctuated equilibrium and that a creation of a new species in evolutionary change ( evolution is the process of change through time) is not at slow rates but in fact, it changes in rapid periods of time per say thousands of years. With this theory, Edward O. Wilson (American biologist) even believed that the evolution has changes rapidly during periods of time.

HIS THEORY                                                                                                                                    Gould and Niles Eldredge had spent time working on their theory for punctuated equilibrium “a landmark contribution to the study of evolution.” Gould argued evolution indeed grows quite rapidly at intense time periods. For an example for his theory he used a Pandas “thumb” to explain his reasonings for punctuated equilibrium. The Pandas thumb was used to show the wrist bone and how it permits movement to allow the Panda strip leaves off the bamboo it eats.                                                                                                                                      THE FINAL STAGES
In July of 1982, Gould was diagnosed with a deadly type of cancer called “peritoneal mesothelioma.” Gould’s cancer was detected early and at a young age and received treatment. From getting treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, and having surgery, His cancer was treated and made a full recovery. In 2002, Stephen Jay Gould died on May 10, 2002 from “metastatic adenocarcinoma” in the lungs, which is a very bad form of cancer, although it wasn’t related to the previous cancer he had back in 1982.

Works Cited.

Stephen Jay Gould

“Gould, Stephen Jay.” Famous Scientists, Accessed 10 October 2019.

2. “Gould, Stephen Jay.” Britannica, Accessed 10 October 2019.

“Stephen Jay Gould, Ph.D.” – Academy of Achievement. 5 Dec. 2018. Web. 10 October 2019

“Gould, Stephen Jay.”  Stephen Gould Ashley, Accessed 10 October 2019.



