The Sorting Hat Spider – Janae Voss

The Sorting Hat Spider

Janae Voss

Many new species have been discovered in the past decade. The species I chose to research is called the sorting hat spider. The scientific name of the species is Eriovixia gryffindor.(Greene, par. 8)

In 2016, the sorting hat spider was discovered in India by researchers from Mumbai. The researchers that are credited with the discovery are Javed Ahmad, Rajashree Khalap, and Sumukha Javagal. (Singh, par. 3)

The sorting hat spider was discovered in the Kan Forest of the Western Ghats in southwest India. The researchers found the spider in a bush, approximately 4 feet off the ground. The sorting hat spider’s habitat is known as a diversity hotspot. The spider is provided protection by local villagers that allow for the diversity.(Hrala, par. 7) A safe environment is important to the sorting hat spider because only one of them has been found.(Greene, par. 10)

The researchers have carefully observed the behavior of the sorting hat spider. The sorting hat spider is a member of the Eriovixia genus which contains 20 other species of spiders in Africa and Asia. This particular spider earned its name because it has a shape similar to the sorting hat from the Harry Potter books. The sorting hat spider is only 7mm in length and takes the shape of a hat. During the day the sorting hat spider resembles a dry leaf in order to protect itself from predators.(Singh, par. 5) The spider is also nocturnal and weaves orb-shaped webs in the night.(Greene, par.10)

Works Cited

Greene, Sean. “In 2016, Scientists Discovered 18,000 New Species .” Los Angeles Times, 22 May 2017, 4 Dec. 2019.

Hrala, Josh. “Scientists Have Named This New ‘Sorting Hat’ Spider After a Harry Potter Character .” Science Alert, 15 Dec. 2016, 4 Dec. 2019.

Vijay Singh. “New Spider Named After Harry Potter Character.” Times of India , 10 Dec. 2019, 4 Dec. 2019.


Blog Post 2 – Effects of Vaping on Human Health by: Janae Voss

“Vaping in The Vapes Warehouse” by

CC Search,

Effects of Vaping on Human Health

Janae Voss

Vaping has become extremely popular among teenagers and young adults. In the article “9 alarming facts about the vaping illness epidemic,” by Steven John, the effect vapes have, on people and their health, is discussed. The article describes the crowd who has been impacted by vaping, vaping related illnesses, and vaping related deaths. Thousands of cases of lung injuries and illnesses have been reported to be caused by e-cigarettes and vapes. (John, par.3) Along with, numerous cases of deaths that were due to vaping related lung injuries. Many people were led to believe that vaping was a better alternative to smoking cigarettes.(John, par.2) However, this has been disproven. Similar to cigarettes, vapes have also been found to contain cancer causing chemicals. Steven John uses information from various health experts to describe the effects of vapes. He also explains how they have been linked to numerous health complications. The public needs to be aware of the effects of vaping on their health.

Many companies who manufacture vape products have tried to advertise vapes as being a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes. However, health experts do not agree. The amount of young adults and teenagers who report using vapes, far surpasses those who smoke cigarettes. In fact, the amount of individuals who vape has increased, while the amount of young adults smoking cigarettes has decreased. John Steven wrote, in the article, “9 alarming facts about vaping,” that the US surgeon general reported “40% of young people who began using electronic cigarettes had never used traditional tobacco products before.” The increased use of vapes has been a huge problem. NPR has reported that a common issue associated with vapes is known as “thermal decomposition.” Thermal decomposition is a problem because it releases dangerous chemicals into the lungs, such as acrolein, nicotyrine, and formaldehyde, while vaping. Formaldehyde is a toxin that has been known to cause cancer.(John, par.20) Individuals are often unaware that harmful toxins are entering their body due to vaping. The government is cracking down on companies for advertising these harmful products without knowing the full risk. For example, the government is putting rules and regulations on the way companies, such as Juul, are marketing their products.(John, par. 23) People need to have knowledge of the products they are using before they are able to access them. The full effects of vapes on human health are not yet known, but vapes have now been linked to cancerous chemicals, and other health issues.

Cancer can be a critical condition. Due to the rapid and uncontrollable cell division that is caused by cancer, the condition is often life threatening. Cancer can easily spread through the body and it is often difficult to prevent cancer from spreading. If vapes are being linked to cancer then the public needs to be informed of these life threatening side effects. Understanding that vaping can cause health complications, such as cancer is important to biology. Cancer can significantly shorten an individual’s life by causing cell mutations that are uncontrollable.

Being aware of the health effects of vapes is very significant because many people do not know what they are putting in their body. Vaping is still relatively new, compared to cigarettes so not even scientists are entirely sure of the full effects. Although there are still many unknown factors of vaping, it has been proven by a large number of health experts to have negative side effects. (John, par. 3) In an article by Sarah Gants, it is reinforced that very little is known about the effects of vaping, but vapes have in fact, been the cause of lung related illnesses recently. The US centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported 42 deaths that were caused by vaping.(Gant. 6) Out of these deaths and illnesses, Steven John reports that according to the CDC, 79% of individuals affected were under the age of 35. (John, par. 12) The American Heart Association has recently donated $20 million dollars towards research on youth vaping in order to further understand the effects of vaping on health.(Gant, par.1) Numerous sources have confirmed that although there is still more to be learned, vapes are causing illnesses and death.

Works Cited

“American Heart Association to invest $20M for youth vaping research.” Philadelphia Inquirer [Philadelphia, PA], 16 Nov. 2019, p. NA. Gale OneFile: News, Accessed 17 Nov. 2019.

John, Steven. “9 Alarming Facts about the Vaping Illness Epidemic.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 30 Oct. 2019,;utm_medium=referral.




Sigmund Freud – Janae Voss

Sigmund Freud

Janae Voss







"Sigmund Freud figure at Madame Tussauds Vienna" by Luke Rauscher
http://Rauscher, Luke. “CC Search.” Creative Commons, Accessed 10 Oct. 2019.

Sigmund Freud is well known for his work in psychology, but also made contributions to the field of biology. To better understand Freud’s studies, it is important to start with his childhood. Elizabeth Oakes, writes about Freud’s childhood in the article Freud, Sigmund. Oakes explains that Sigmund Freud was born in May of 1856 to his father’s second family. Freud was the oldest child, but he also had a half-brother who was the same age as his mother, who, not to mention was 20 years younger than his father. Oakes says, “Making sense of this confusing family situation heightened Freud’s intellect and curiosity.” (Oakes, par. 2)
While his childhood may have looked different than some, Sigmund Freud’s family still plays a key role in how he was able to receive an education. Freud’s family struggled financially, but they made his education a priority. Freud was able to attend the University of Vienna in 1873 where he earned his M.D. in 1881. (Oakes par.3)
After graduating college, Freud traveled many paths, but always had his interest in the human brain as the motivation to his studies. The first place he worked was a hospital in Paris. He worked there in order to support his new wife. While working at the hospital, Freud spent most of his time in the nervous diseases department. Freud, at one point, started his own practice as a neuropathologist.(Oakes, par. 5)
An important point in Freud’s career, is known as “The case of Anna O”. Elizabeth Oakes mentions that in 1895, Freud was conducting studies of hysteria.(Oakes par. 5) In the article, What are the most interesting ideas of Sigmund Freud?, by Saul McLeod, the case of Anna O is explained. Anna O. suffered from hysteria, which is, “a condition in which the patient exhibits physical symptoms without an apparent physical cause” (McLeod, par. 7) This case was a significant event in Sigmund Freud’s Life because it led him to many new discoveries. After observing Anna O., Freud was just in the beginning of his study of psychoanalysis. Freud is now known for being the father of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is “a method for treating mental illness and also a theory that explains human behavior.”(McLeod, par. 1) Due to the study of Anna O., Freud also came up with the method of free association.(Oakes, par. 5) These studies, led to later studies, where Freud introduced the ego, the conscious, the id, and the unconscious. Freud also is well known for his very important work on the interpretation of dreams. In 1901, Freud created a publication that stated that dreams are a result of the mind’s unconscious experiences and desires. This is considered some of the most important work he completed. (Oakes, par. 6) Sigmund Freud’s work helps scientists in the field of biology understand humans.
Freud and his wife gave birth to 6 children. This may have kept him busy, but his children did not stop him from making significant discoveries in the human brain. (Oakes, par. 8) The studies Freud completed, play a huge role in understanding the human brain. Psychology is the study of the human brain, along with human behavior, which is important in biology. In the article, What are the most interesting ideas of Freud?, McLeod explains Freud’s discoveries on the unconscious mind. From 1900-1905, Freud was working on creating a topographical model. This model would describe what Freud believed to be the structure and function of the human brain. Freud conducted research to prove that there are different levels of consciousness in the human mind. He claimed that the human mind included the consciousness, the subconscious, and the unconscious, which also includes the id.(McLeod, par. 12) McLeod writes that Freud’s studies show that the conscious is the part of the brain where humans have thoughts “that are the focus of our attention now.”(McLeod, par.13) The subconscious consists of all which can be retrieved from memory.(McLeod, par.13) The unconscious is a part of the mind that, according to Freud, controls the reasoning behind why humans do what they do. For example, in 1915, while Freud was conducting psychotherapy, he found his patients would often not want to talk about their most painful memories. Freud called this repression.(McLeod, par. 16)
Repression can be implicated in everyday life because most people try not to think about painful memories too often. Freud wanted people to acknowledge their unconscious thoughts so they could understand why they behave the way they do. Denial, projection, displacement, and regression, are all defense mechanisms that Freud believed people used as well. To further understand the reasoning behind human behavior, Freud goes into explaining the id, the ego, and the superego. For example, the id is said by Freud to be in control of people’s pleasure and instincts.(McLeod, par. 30)

Some people have considered Freud’s studies to be somewhat strange. However, if Freud and I have one thing in common, it’s that we both understand that human beings do what they do for a reason. When I was in high school, one of the main reasons I was so excited to take psychology was so I could better understand the reasonings behind people’s actions. I had noticed that everyone is different in a special way. I also noticed that individuals behaved differently, depending on the type of influences around them in their life. I knew that I am partially the way I am because of events I have been through in my life. Believing that childhood experiences are influential to the type of person someone becomes, is something we both of us would agree on.

Works Cited 

http://Mcleod, Saul. “What Are the Most Interesting Ideas of Sigmund Freud?” Study Guides for Psychology Students – Simply Psychology, Simply Psychology, 5 Apr. 2018, Accessed 29 Sept. 2019

http://Oakes, Elizabeth H. “Freud, Sigmund.” Encyclopedia of World Scientists, Revised Edition, Facts On File, 2007. Science Online, Accessed 29 Sept. 2019.


