Blog 2-Star Wars: Episode 2 Attack of the Clones-Danny Rogers

Written by Danny Rogers

Summary: Star Wars: episode 2 attack of the clones is a fantasy, action, and adventure movie. It was directed by George Lucas and was written by George Lucas and Jonathan Hales. The main actors of this film are Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker), Natalie Portman (Padme) and Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan).

The plot: after a failed assassination attempt on Padme the Jedi Anakin and Obi-Wan are told by the Jedi council to keep her safe and to figure out who gave the orders for the assassination attempt. Anakin and Padme travel to Naboo where it is safe and where Anakin could keep his eyes are her during that time they fell in love with each other. Obi-Wan went on the search for the person that give the order for the assassination, while he was looking at the evidence, he found out that the dart that killed the assassin was made in the planet called Kamino. He travels to this remote planet and this is where he discovers a huge secret clone army that has been building for years model from the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Obi-Wan follows Jango Fett to the planet Geonosis where he finds out who is behind the separatist movements.

How does this relates to Biology: this relates to biology because this movie has clones which make up the clone army that fights off the separatist. Cloning is when an organism is produced asexually making them genetically identical to whatever they are based off. In the movie the clones are made from a cloning facility where they start out as a single cell and grow from there. The process begins when the genetic code is made into a exact copy from what they are based on. When they get to a cretin age they are trained to fight for the republic. The clones are all physically identical but are different at the same time all the clone troopers have different personality’s making them more unique.

In today’s world cloning does happen but on a much smaller scale. We can clone animals and possibly people, but it is still a very new thing so its not a 100% sure fact that it will succeed. One way to clone is Artificial Embryo Twinning this mimic the process that happens when twins are made in the womb.  They take the embryo at a very early stage and put it on a petri disk and separated it into individual cells and then they are put into a surrogate mother to raise the embryo in the same egg making them clones.  Another way to clone something is the Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer method. This method is where they get a somatic cell from an organism they want to clone and isolated it, they then extract the nucleus and all its DNA from an egg cell. After doing that they move the nucleus form the somatic cell into the egg cell and have the egg cell develop into an embryo which is then implanted into a surrogate mother to grow into a clone.

How does it relate to are class: this relates to our class because we learned about genetics, meiosis and mitosis.


Overmetal “Star Wars Canon Catch-Up: The History of Stormtroopers”.



Works cited

“What is Cloning.” University of Utah.

Overmetal “Star Wars Canon Catch-Up: The History of Stormtroopers”.

Claudio Carvalho. “Storyline”


47 thoughts on “Blog 2-Star Wars: Episode 2 Attack of the Clones-Danny Rogers”

  1. While reading your post about Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, I heard that the plot revolves around the reason behind building this clone army and how they will be used. In the movie,the separatists’ use cloning technology, where an organism is produced asexually from DNA of a pre-existing organism, making them genetically identical. They are using this technology to build an obedient army.

    I noticed that you went into depth about how cloning is used today and how the movie is a prediction of how cloning can be used in the future. I liked how you explained the process very thorough, letting the reader understand the complex process.

    While reading, I wondered: according to the plot, what was the problem behind using the clones? Why was the idea of a clone army so controversial and how did it cause problems for the main characters?

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