Keeley Robinson – Proposal

Proposal 1

Keeley Robinson

Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur was one of the most influential biologists in the field of germ theory and his findings have shaped many aspects of our society. Pasteur was born December 27, 1822, in a small town near the Swiss border called Dole, France. Considered to be the founder of microbiology, he was also the first to understand that microorganisms cause infectious diseases in humans and animals. Along with this, he discovered “pasteurization”, the process in which water, packaged and non-packaged foods (like milk, wine and juice) are treated with heat so as to eliminate bacteria, pathogens and to extend shelf life.  (Pasteur, Louis) He also investigated ways to develop vaccines and succeeded in creating effective vaccines for diseases such as rabies, anthrax and fowl cholera. (Pasteur, Louis) Additionally, he was hailed as a national hero in France for his work in saving the French wine industry after discovering that the microbes infecting the wine could be killed by pasteurizing it. (Louis Pasteur and Germ Theory)

Figure 1. Man giving dog a rabies vaccination. “DSC_0715.”Creative Commons, September 30, 2019,

Work Cited

Maczulak, Anne. “Pasteur, Louis.” Encyclopedia of Microbiology, Facts On File, 2011. Science Online, Accessed 30 Sept. 2019.

Cullen, Katherine. “Pasteur, Louis.” Science,Technology, and Society, Chelsea House, 2005. Science Online, Accessed 30 Sept. 2019.

Goldstein, Natalie. “Louis Pasteur and Germ Theory.” Vaccines, Second Edition, Chelsea House, 2017. Science Online, Accessed 30 Sept. 2019.

